Pokémon © 1995-2013 Nintendo, Creatures, and GameFreak
Now that you received your first adopts it's time to explain how Virtuadopt is working in general and how you can complete your Pokédex. Its all about...
- once per day you can click your own Pokémon. If you go to explore→ Pokémon Center →feed Pokémon, you can now click on the picture of one adopt and you will come to the training grounds, where you should click on "here" to feed this adopt. You are now taking automatically a walk with this egg/Pokémon and it will gain steps or levels. With every click the egg gets 100-200 steps. Between 5000 and 10000 steps it will hatch out and become a Pokémon. It will take some time, but be patient

- you can also click the eggs/Pokémon of other users and if you have luck, they are clicking back. So try to make some friends to be more clicked every day. But please don't write a message to every user you click, because they will get annoyed and stop clicking you. For clicking you will get money as well, so put some effort in it

- most of the hatched Pokémon will automatically evolve when they reach a level between 50-200 by clicking or
- as in the games you sometimes have to use special items you can buy in the mart or
- some evolutions depends on specific conditions like day/nighttime or wheater (you can see it in the explore picture) or
- trading them in the GTS
From a hatched egg you get a random Pokémon (depending on the egg pattern). But what if you need a special Pokémon or want to start a collection? Then visit the Global Trade Station! Here you can...
- offer your Pokémon on trades of other users
- send your Pokémon to the GTS and wait for other users to offer (you have to confirm the trade if you like the offer, so you have always the choice)
Here you can leave 2 adopts. Eggs will gain steps and Pokémon will gain level. And if you got luck, you may randomly find a Pokémon egg in the Daycare Center (if you leave a female and a male of fitting species). But it only works if the two seems to get along (take a look at egg groups). But be careful, this service costs you 25 $ per hour/per adopt!
Some Virtuadopts (especially Promotional Virtuadopts) can only be claimed in the game corner or by taking part in contests.
Or if you have good luck, you will receive a Congrats in the slot machine by clicking. Don't close this site!!! If you scroll down, you can find a link to the Team Rocket hideout, where you will get your Promo.
This is a Virtuadopt fanside made by Taja for the Halloween Contest 2013.
Hope you like it ^__^